33100 Udine, Italy
53, v. Planis

Arch. Stefano Sessolo
+39 340 830 8325

We will look at all submitted portfolios for possible collaboration.


Stefano Sessolo Architetti founded in 2012 in Udine, Italy. We work on both commissioned projects for buildings and interior design.
Commercial Property / Exposition, Culture and Tourism / Education and Scientific / Hospitality / Masterplans / Residential / Retail / Sports and Leisure / Public Buildings / Environmental and Energy / Restoration.

Stefano Sessolo was born in Spilimbergo (Italy) in 1972. In 1996 he was a founding member of Agitazione Elastica, a Land Art group. He graduated in Architecture at IUAV (Venice) with a thesis on landscape architecture and restoration. He went to Cambridge (UK) and worked with Prof. Arch. Tony Baggs. In 2003 he was a founding member of Corde Architetti and Uvalab, an architectural and industrial design studio based in Venice. From 2012 he has lived and worked in Udine (Italy).

In 2011 the project ‘Un paese di primule e caserme, Addio alle armi’ (A farewell to arms) was selected to be exhibited at the Biennial of the Canary Islands, it was then presented at the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2012. It was selected as one of the ten best projects of Sustainable Urban Regeneration by the Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti. The project has been published in magazines and shown on national television programs as well as at exhibitions and national & international conventions. It is an urban and rural research project aimed at finding possible solutions for the conversion of abandoned military barracks in north east Italy for use in tourism, housing , and energy generation.
In 2011 second prize in a competition for the enlargement of a primary school in Sedico (Italy).
In 2010 first place in a competition to design the interiors of the visitor centre of Parco del Gessi (Italy) and Parco dei Sassi (Italy).